Giovanni Battista Fabricatore Bass 10 x 8 pastel
Giovanni Battista Fabricatore Bass Violin
Made in Naples, Italy c. 1811
3/4 gamba shaped, flat back
Today was one of those days that, for an artist, are special.
My friend had to return some violins to two shops on Long Island — cool friends, right? I offered to go along for the ride, figuring I could sit in the car, double parked in Queens — woo hoo.
The first shop, Kolstein Music, Inc. was — for someone who likes repetition, a mecca. I have never seen so many beautiful instruments in one place. We got to go into the workshop and see cellos in various states of "disembowelment". Then were told "Go look in the "bass room(s)" and a series was born:
At the second shop, I did wait in the car. But after the violin was dropped off we had a yummy Chinese lunch with soup dumplings, an experience in itself.
Oh, a progress shot. I got so geeked about this once I figured out the gear thingy's that I forgot to take more photos.